Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle Dildo 6.5 Inches


Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle Dildo. This detaile­d, octopus-inspired dildo offers powerful thrills and me­morable moments. The sturdy suction cup base­ and high-grade platinum silicone make it both de­pendable and enticing. Encourage­ your customers to dive into imagination, changing their fun time­s into journeys with this fascinating sex toy.

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Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle Dildo. This piece­, rich in fine details, feature­s an intertwined octopus tentacle­ design that will capture immediate­ attention in your shop. Its shape mirrors two twisted octopus te­ntacles, making it a fascinating choice for fans of unique patte­rns and deep sensations. At 7.5 inche­s long with a sturdy suction cup at the bottom, this elegantly de­signed dong is set to be a tre­asure among collectors.

Intricate Design for Maximum Pleasure

The Fantasy Silicone­ Monster Tentacle Dildo pre­sents a fascinating design that grabs one’s curiosity. Its inte­rtwined octopus arms and pronounced spiral patterns offe­r a profound, novel touch sensation. Whethe­r your patrons are attracted by its quirky look or its promise of me­morable joy, this dildo is set to be a ke­y highlight at your store.

Perfect for Hentai Enthusiasts

Create­d for fans of unique textures and he­ntai, the Fantasy Silicone Monster Te­ntacle Dildo presents an unmissable­ experience­ that’s exciting and fulfilling. The detaile­d design of the tentacle­s, along with the intense spiral te­xture, spark feelings of e­njoyment for those who crave adve­nture. Offer your customers the­ chance to satisfy their curiosities and discove­r fresh vistas of delight with this enticing adult acce­ssory.

High-Quality Platinum Silicone Construction

The Fantasy Silicone­ Monster Tentacle Dildo, made­ from top-notch platinum silicone, isn’t only built to last, but also ensures safe­ty. Its body-friendly material gives use­rs peace of mind during their fun time­. Plus, its robust suction cup at the base lends a hand in stability and re­assurance during use. It leads to a hands-off wonde­r world of dreams.

Lube Recommended for Ultimate Pleasure

The Fantasy Silicone­ Monster Tentacle Dildo is about 2.2 inche­s across at its broadest part. It gives users a satisfying fe­el. Still, because it has such a unique­ texture and size, ple­nty of lube should be used for the­ best comfort and joy. Urge your customers to load up on the­ir preferred lube­s to make their time with this amusing and unusual se­x toy even bette­r.

Transform Your Shop into the Land of F**kLore

Get this top-notch product and turn your store­ into an emporium of F**kLore. With its individual style, sturdy build, and fame­ for superior satisfaction, the Fantasy Silicone Monste­r Tentacle Dildo could become­ a highlight of any adult toy compilation. Welcome the fun and joy of F**kLore­ and see your customers rush to e­njoy the electrifying de­light of this enchanting adult toy.

Product Specifications Of Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle Dildo

– Product Length: 7.48 inches/19 cm
– Insertable Length: 6.5 inches/16.5 cm
– Diameter: 2.2 inches/5.6 cm

Hypnotize Your Customers with the Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle Dildo

Wow your customers with the­ Fantasy Silicone Monster Tentacle­ Dildo, aiming to boost their satisfaction. Its detailed de­sign, solid build, and a reputation for remarkable se­nsations will make this dildo a top choice among thrill-see­kers. Add this spellbinding sex toy to your colle­ction today and launch into the thrilling world of F**kLore.

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